2016 Desautel and Lambert Medal of Honor Award


On February 11, 2016 several officers responded to assist Fargo PD in a domestic violence/shooting call.

Officer Brandon Desautel was part of the Red River Valley SWAT Team that responded to this call. Officer Desautel was at the scene while the shooter was still active and was shot at multiple times during this incident. Despite the risk, he left cover in order to get a pedestrian out of the line of fire when that citizen entered the alley near the suspect's location.

Officer Matthew Lambert also responded as part of the Red River Valley SWAT Team to this call. The shooter was active during the time he was in the area and he received fire from the suspect a number of times. On one occasion, Officer Lambert left cover to get a motorist out of harm's way and was fire upon. Although one of the suspect's shots struck the grill of the motorist's car, Officer Lambert was able to direct him to safety.