Red River of the North

River Corridor


Welcome to the River Corridor Trail!

The Red River Corridor Trail is a 16-mile trail stretching from Oakport to Bluestem Amphitheater that has something for everyone.  Click on the graphic below if you'd like to learn more about the River Corridor Trail.  If you would like to take the River Corridor survey, you can submit your thoughts here.

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Red River Chronicles

Do you have a story about life on the Red River? Did you catch an amazing fish? Or fight the flood? Do you have a special place you like to go to relax? Or do you have a different connection that may seem common but is special to you?

Artist Su Legatt, in partnership with the Moorhead Parks Department, Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County, and RiverKeepers, is collecting community stories, poems, and thoughts about our relationship to the Red River for an upcoming River Corridor interpretive trail project.

Please submit your thoughts about life on the Red! 

kayak bridge people

River Corridor Plan

After significant floods in 2009, 2010, and 2011, the City of Moorhead began several flood mitigation projects and acquisition of flood-prone properties adjacent to the Red River. As a result, a large portion of private property along the river has been transferred to public ownership. The Moorhead River Corridor Study was implemented to answer questions about the use of this public land and to develop a plan to guide future management and maintenance of the river corridor, balancing community needs, flood mitigation, transportation, recreation, public/private property, and natural resource preservation and restoration. 

There were two phases to the River Corridor Study. 

  • Phase I, led by FM Metro COG, was completed in April 2013 and identified the needs and issues related to the River Corridor as well as documented existing conditions, summarized public input, outlined limitations along the River Corridor, and presented a range of needs and opportunities identified by the public, residents, and staff. 
  • The Final River Corridor Plan and Executive Summary were approved by the Mayor and City Council on May 12th, 2014.  The River Corridor Plan is Phase II of the study and establishes policies and strategy alternatives that can be used to address the issues, needs and opportunities identified along the River Corridor.  Thank you to everyone who participated in the River Corridor Planning process! 

We would like to extend a huge thank you to all of our partners for helping to make the River Corridor a reality!

State of Minnesota - DNR - MN Clean Water, Land and Legacy Parks Fund - Greater MN Regional Parks and Trails Commission - River Keepers - HDR Foundation - Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County - Audubon Great Plains - FM Trailbuilders