Biosolid Management


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Are Biosolids Safe?

Recycling biosolids is good for the environment. Organic matter has been recycled for centuries to improve soil fertility and productivity. When properly applied and managed, biosolids provide essential plant nutrients, improve soil structure, add organic matter, enhance moisture retention, and reduce soil erosion. Biosolids recycling is regulated and encouraged by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the State of Minnesota, and local authorities. Research and years of recycling experience have demonstrated that properly managed land application of biosolids is an environmentally safe option for communities that is protective of public health.

Biosolids Management

The City participates in the National Biosolids Partnership (NBP) Biosolids Management Program certification process. This program is designed to ensure participants continually improve environmental performance, regulatory compliance, quality management practices, and relations with interested parties and other stakeholders. The City was one of only 12 organizations selected in the U.S. and Canada to participate in the 2011-12 NBP certification and training class.


Email the Wastewater staff or call 218.299.5386