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Connect with the Court Community Listening Session

  • Date: 10/06/2022 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
  • Location: Hjemkomst Center
    201 1 Ave N

The Seventh Judicial District Equal Justice Committee and the City of Moorhead Human Rights Commission are hosting a community listening session in an effort to understand and improve the experience of the public with the judicial system.

The listening session is intended to be an informal discussion between judges and court officials and people who live in the district about their local justice system, and their experiences and ideas for improvement. Understanding the experience of court participants and gathering feedback are critical elements of ensuring courts are working to improve access to justice and public trust and confidence in the justice system.

Light refreshments will be served. This event is free and open to the public, and media are welcome to attend. No RSVP is necessary for media or the public. Those requiring interpretation services or who need more information should contact Marcia Setrum at 320.656.3649.