Public Meetings Calendar


The meetings calendar provides a list of all public meetings. Select an event for further details.  You may also subscribe to this calendar to automatically see events on your smartphone or PC calendar.  This subscription should work with any calendar application that support webcal, including the iPhone/iPad Calendar app, Google Calendar, and Microsoft Outlook.

Downtown Corridor Investment Meeting

5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Formal Presentation at 6:30 p.m.

A public meeting will be held to provide information regarding the Corridor
Investment Management Strategy (CIMS) project scheduled for 2015
The City of Moorhead has been awarded funding through the State of
Minnesota Corridor Investment Management Strategy (CIMS) grant
program for traffi c safety and operations improvements on segments of Main
Ave, 8th St, Center Ave, and 11th St in Downtown Moorhead.
SRF Consulting Group Inc., the City of Moorhead and MnDOT District 4

staff will be on hand to lead the discussions and answer your questions.

Special Needs: People with special needs who plan to attend the meeting
and need special arrangements should contact Katie Jensen with the City of
Moorhead Engineering Dept. at (218) 299-5398.
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