Development Services


Development Services is not a department per se but multiple departments and divisions working together to provide a “one stop shop” for Moorhead citizens, developers, and builders. Co-located on the fourth floor of City Hall, customers can find answers to their planning, building code, engineering, and development incentive questions all in one location. Request a review of a proposed residential home improvement project or check out available resources for a proposed business expansion! These services provide a solid foundation for an excellent quality of life for the residents of Moorhead. 

Development Services is also responsible for providing services that promote the community’s short and long term development interests in maintaining Moorhead’s traditionally high standards of development in residential, commercial, and industrial areas, as well as providing staff assistance to the Airport Committee, Board of Appeals & Equalization, Economic Development Authority, Oakport Joint Powers Board, Planning Commission/Board of Adjustment, and City Council.

Our Services

Permits & Licenses