The City of Moorhead has received a $375,000 grant from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to help fight the spread of emerald ash borer (EAB).
The grant will be used to purchase approximately 1,575 trees that will be planted by City Forestry crews and private contractors. These plantings will play a key role in the implementation of Moorhead’s EAB management strategy. Tree installations associated with this grant are expected to begin fall of 2024 and conclude fall of 2027. Tree plantings will consist of a diverse mixture of trees that will foster a more resilient urban forest.
EAB was discovered in early 2023 in several Moorhead neighborhoods. Since then, City Forestry crews have been removing smaller affected trees and treating larger trees to slow the spread of EAB.
The MN Department of Agriculture has helpful information about EAB on its website, including resources specifically for homeowners.