Moorhead’s Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report with respect to expenditure of 2020 Community Development Block Grant funds provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is available. The report details the program activities and financial expenditures conducted during 2020.
A public meeting has also been scheduled for Wednesday, March 24 at noon to provide residents an opportunity to review and discuss questions they may have about the annual report.
Comments and suggestions from the public are encouraged through the public comment period and/or at the public meeting. In advance of the public meeting, alternative formats of this information or accommodation for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency will be made upon request (10 hours notice is required). To make arrangements for services, call 218.299.5434; for TDD/Relay service dial 711.
City Hall remains closed to the public but the City will continue to afford opportunities for public participation virtually. To comply with COVID-19 public health recommendations, the March 24, 2021 meeting will be held using virtual meeting technology.
The meeting can be attended online or via phone.
Meeting number (access code): 182 888 8454
Meeting password: iT2kt3TNmV2
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
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